If you have been arrested for DWI in the Dallas Fort Worth area, you need this information. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), Texas has some of the strictest and most complex DUI/DWI laws in the nation. If convicted, the economic, emotional and social consequences can be severe and long-lasting. Fines, penalties, court costs, treatment program, license suspension, jail and probation may all affect your life for years to come. Several years ago, the State of Texas reported its DWI/DUI conviction rate at better than 70% statewide.
Represent yourself, or hire a lawyer? Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that a person who represents them self has a fool for a client. Even lawyers have lawyers. You probably realize that you need help. A qualified, experienced lawyer will ensure that you get every possible protection, benefit and advantage afforded by the laws and the courts.
It can be difficult and sometimes intimidating to find the right lawyer to represent you. Here are some suggestions for finding and hiring a good DWI/DUI lawyer in Fort Worth.
Where to begin? You could try the local yellow pages or a lawyer referral service, but the information you can get is limited. An Internet search, which you are already doing, can provide you with more leads and more of the kind of comprehensive information you need to know.
The American Bar Association recommends that you make sure the lawyer you are considering is licensed to practice in Texas. A quick way to do this is to contact the State Bar.
When you contact a lawyer, ask questions. This will help you choose one that fits your needs. Ask about everything you want to know. Consider asking questions like,
Do you specialize in DWI/DUI law? Who will handle my case? Will you defend me or plead me out? What is your experience? May I have a brochure or resume of your qualifications? How many DWI/DUI cases have you handled, and what is your success rate? What might happen to me? What are your fees and costs? How much will I expect to pay in court costs? What is your estimate of the total expenses I will pay?
When you clearly understand the answers you receive, and are satisfied that the person answering those questions will give you the best possible defense, you are ready to hire a lawyer!